To start off, I have realized that being abroad has done nothing to help with my procrastination. I am writing this post one week too late as a means to procrastinate packing for my upcoming week away from Genève.
Last last monday (Feb 22nd) I traveled to PARIS. Here are some highlights from my 4 days there!
Monday: We arrived on monday after a much anticipated ride on the TGV. Arriving to our hotel in montmarte, we quickly settled in and headed for a quick walking tour of Paris. We started off at the Opera House, walked to the outside grounds of the Louvre (for adventures inside the museum, see below on Wednesday), through the Louvre gardens, arrived a place de concorde, walked the entire champs élsyées (while having the song champs élysées stuck in my head the entire time), and finally to the arc de triomphe. A couple people in the group decided to climb the narrow, swirly stairs to the top, but having done so before I saved 5 euro and grabbed a metro to Notre Dame with some friends. Notre Dame was how I remembered it: incredible. Its enormity and architecture is breathtaking. Luckily we caught a bit of a prayer service, which was beautiful to watch. After a sweep around the church, we walked along the Siene only to see the most amazing thing: a proposal. Marching along a non-touristy part, we see a man on his knees getting up while the women is looking at her hand. The next thing we know they are making out and we quickly realized what we just witnessed. As we squealed in excitement because it was SO romantic, we walked passed them and gushed about it for the entire trip back home. I can quickly say i re-evaluated my life and have now decided where I want to be proposed to. Anyways....monday night we grabbed a quick dinner and I met up with some of my GW bests. Me, Al, and Dave caught up a bit- exchanged old embarrassing stories about me to some of my Geneva friends, had a few drinks and then called it a night!
Tuesday: After lengthy briefings at medicin du monde et action conre le faim, I met up with Dave again for a night out in Paris! We grabbed dinner and drinks and just caught up! We walked around the area he lives in by the Bastille and went to Place d'Italie for dinner. It was delicious and I even got myself to try escargot- it was actually really good! Though I was nervous and def. never thought I would eat snails..i manned up and did it! And I will say, I would def eat them again.
Wednesday: After more briefings at MDM, we hit up the Louvre on Wed. night. The Louvre is magnificent. I could spend 5 days there and not see everything. From the architecture outside, to the walls and ceilings inside, an the beautiful paintings and sculptures in it.. i didn't even know where to start. I hit all the famous things that I had seen once before pretty much but here is a laundry list of things we looked at: Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Winged Victory, Napoleon's Apartment, French Revolution Painting (forgot real name), crowned jewels... and def. a lot more. Not to mention the tapestry we spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out...first as a joke..but then we actually tried to make sense of this. Thanks Chad, for the pondering sound effects, otherwise we probably would not have sat there trying to figure the carpet out! After the Louvre, we bought some vin, got some dinner, attempted to go to the eiffel tower (and failed) and went back to the hotel. After warming up with some wine we walked to sacre coeur- my favorite part of Paris from my trip there 4 years ago. Though it was really dark, 2am, and kinda scary at night- it was still stunning. The view from paris wasn't the best because it was so late but I was still in awe just from being back at sacre coeur. We eventually found our way home, after chatting with some french locals and passed out to get ready for our last full day in Paris!
Thursday: I was woken up at 8:30 but some who will not be mentioned who missed their flight to barcelona. Asking to use my blackberry to figure out what they could do. After being up and getting some breakfast, three of us finally made it to the tour d'effiel. Though a bit overrated, it is still undoubtedly a cool monument. After being touristy and searching for berets, we began our journey to lunch. Now me, jenn, and chad coincidently all had friends in the same paris program. Al happened to be friends with both of them- so we all grabbed lunch. We got some mexican food and massive amounts of quac which made up for the 45 walk we had to take to get there since we got off at the wrong metro station! anyways after that, we went to pompidu (the outside) and then to les halles. I ventured back to Notre Dame and finally got a "dank" crepe- nutella and bananas. Mmm. After a bit of mis-communication and not working of cell phones I finally found Shira and Jenn again (sorry for the stress Shiraaaa) and tried to get into Victor Hugo's house..but it was closed =(. So we went back to the hotel to get ready for some dinner! We had one thing in mind for dinner: MORE CREPES..and we got them. Still delicious- this time savory with ham and cheese..but so good! We then ventured to an absinthe bar. It was interesting....nothing happened after a few shots of was pretty underwhelming, but it had to be done. We then checked out social club- a french techno club. Though it was rocking and really fun we were all exhuasted by 2:30 and peaced out so we could be semi alive for our train ride to Bruxelles!
Friday: After some frustration at the Paris Nord train station and our first train being cancelled, we finally made it to belgium! After stepping off the train, we were greeted with the amazing smell of WAFFLES. Though we didn't immediately get one, it was definitely worth the wait. After Jenn, Shira, and I met up with Spitzy (!!) we wandered to the Grand Place which is beautiful at night. We walked around a bit and finally made it to a waffle stand. After they lady gave me the waffle, I have never been more excited to eat something. Waffle with hot melted chocolate, bananas, and strawberries. I immediately fell in love with brussels. We grabbed our waffles and ate them by the Mannequin Pis. Now, for those of you who have never heard of it, it is regarded as the national monument of Brussels...compared to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. However, the Mannequin Pis (a statue of a boy peeing) is actually the size of my arm. It looks like a gold doll that is just peeing. It is more amusing then monumental..but to each his own. We then ventured to some bars. Found great 2 euro glasses of beer and watched some rugby at another irish pub. We then went back to the first bar for more 2 euro beers. After, we stumbled upon fresh, hot, frites (french fries). Let's just say, i love belgium. The sauce that the frite man recommended was delicious and the frites were a perfect ending to a great first day in brussels!
Saturday: Saturday was like our Monday in Paris we went everywhere we could! We strolled into the EU (commission and parliament) walked through gardens to see the outsides of beautiful museums, saw the grand palais and the palais de justice, saw the cathedral, and some other tourist spots. For dinner I was able to meet up with a friend from high school, BWALL! We all grabbed dinner then went to another bar- Delirium, which had 100 beers on tap. I got one really good blonde beer and then a beer that we referred to as the cookie beer. I don't exactly know how to explain it but it tasted a bit like gingerbread and was out of this world. Brussels was def. a GREAT idea and perfect for a weekend trip!
Sunday: we got up WAY early and headed to the airport. I slept the entire trip home (unusual for me) and then made it back to Gland to get ready for the week ahead!
This last week was okay, nothing to eventful, i was sick for most of it..but all is good now! We 12-5ed friday night to celebrate a birthday! It was a great time, as per usual. I strolled back home at 6am and slept until 12. I then explored Geneva a bit with Jenn and Shira. We attempted to go out but got to comfortable and warm on the trains and decided going out was going to be a fail so we rested up so we would be good for the week ahead!
UP NEXT: we leave for lugano tomorrow and then take the overnight train on thursday to ROME for the weekend. Now, let's see if i remember how to speak italian!
so, sorry for the lack of pictures: refer to facebook if you want to see them!
ciao ciao!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Rockin' Beats, 12-5ing, a week of classes, and Bern Carnival
Soooo it has been entirely too long so because of this you will get 2 weekend updates and a little taste of the week in between!
So last weekend:
Rockin' Beats Fail and 12-5 in Lausanne
Rockin' Beats Fail
So, since the first night we went out in Nyon, we saw posters for a weekend long bar crawl with different concerts at each one. The entire group had been planning on attending since we saw it, thinking it'd be fun. Now the concert was described to have some rocking beats, but clearly this was a fail on their part. So Friday night comes, and we are all so excited. We planned for some pregaming at the castle (as per usual) and then set out to the first bar, le paranthese (the parentheses). The bar was located in a tunnel-type thing which was cool, but there was a 10 CHF cover, not so cool. So we figured, its the cheapest cover besides the two free why not. So we go, pay or 10 CHF and get into the bar. It is long and narrow with a bar when you enter and then an open space and a stage. Now, I was expecting to hear some techno and/or swiss music (i even would of been okay with some yodeling), however it was no such thing. It was quite the emo band..singing in french..and this music is good for relaxing and/or trying to fall asleep and/or listening to whenever but not at a bar or a music festival advertised to have rockin' beats. So after this fail, we decieded to try another one and wait until the next band came to parenthese incase they are better and we wouldnt hvae to repay 10 CHF.
So, we went to fisherman's one of our usual places. Free of charge, we get in and it is a little better, with a more hopping musical selection, but it was pretty packed. we stayed for a while, but then went back to le parenthese to be failed yet again. The music had still not improved. Thus, we went to our favorite cactus jacks to end the night. Here we sat around and chatted until our trains home.
Although it was not what we were expecting, it was a good way to all hang out together and experience a fail as a group!
12-5 in Lausanne
Since the first day we arrived in Geneva Earl has been telling us about the 12-5 culture of Switzerland. Well, it finally became time to try it out for ourselves. So a group of 5 (including myself) headed out to meet one of the guy's i was with host brother, who lives in Lausanne. We took a late night train out into Lausanne (about a 20 minute trip) and pregamed on the was pretty classy. Now the events after the train ride are still to be fully put together but here is the general idea:
- arrive at the train station and try to figure out where "Le Great Escape" is. So after teaching Chip how to say "Ou est Le great escape" we watched him ask about 7 people before finally getting to a young couple. They agreed to take us to the bar. Little did we know about the hike we were about to take. We walked uphill for a good 25 min...never hitting flat land. We make it to the end of the hill and the couple tells us to go up a set of stairs next to the giant cathedral and it will be at the top of that hill. Great. so we trek up and finally arrive to bar...panting.
-we stay at great escape. By this point i had little in me to think i was going to stay in Lausanne until the first train out at 4:20 AM. However, things quickly turned for the best. With some bonding and awkward starfishes the night trudged on and we made it through bar one. for what took palce at the bar, well, that is still being discussed
-we leave the bar and are ready to go to a club. Stephan, the host brother decides to take us to Buzz. For the first 30 min we tried to find our way through the smallish club, looking for 1) a bathroom and 2) a spot on the dance floor. After arriving to the dance floor, we mark our spot and finally start to dance. The music was luckily a fun variety of American Top 40 hits, which made it fun for us americans to sing along, actually know the words, and have fun dancing. Towards the end the music switched to some older american hits including: Sweet Dreams, Dancing Queen (best of the night), and These boots are made for walking. Luckily, for each song, we were able to incorporate some fist pumping...i mean, i am from New Jersey. So after dancing on the stage, singing my heart out, and countless fist pumps, i look at my phone and realize it is 4:00am. I was a) thrilled to have made it so far b) was ready to go home and c) so tired i wasn't even tired anymore. So we decided to leave Buzz and head back to the station, this time, conveniently all down hill. Luckily i decided on boots rather than heels, but for Shira..the same thing could not be said. After a long, slow walk home...we made it in time for teh 4:48 train. The train ride home was interesting as well...still be discussed but we did learn that putting ur feet up on a chair gives you a 25 CHF penalty. Luckily, we got away with it this time.
So at 6AM i was finally in bed and sleeping. Needless to say, I woke up at 2 the next day and did nothing. I think it was a well deserved rest though.
A week of classes
This week was pretty legitimate. Nothing too exciting happened until Thursday. (side note: Tuesday, 4 of us celebrated mardi gras at Cactus Jacks. It was filled with many bets being taken by the boys and me and Jenn just laughing at them. However it did allow for me to watch some olympics) Until then i was just attempting to finish our 8 page assignment due for thursday- an observation journal on the red cross museum and old town geneva. I felt like i was in middle school writing it, full of "i" and "we" phrases, and there was no actual topic to the assignment...but that is Earl for you. So whatever, it is over.
Thursday night all the host families got together for some raclette (melted cheese and potatoes). Sitting with my host family and another family in the group, Davide, on of the other directors of the trip sat across from me. He asked me how my french was...i said was improving greatly. Bad idea...i then commenced on a 2 hour long conversation in French with him..about: DC, The Red Cross, Obama, NYC, Bolt Bus, US Politics, Italian Politics, Geneva, and Harm Reduction. After two hours..i was mentally exhausted and had nothing else in me.
Friday was really interesting and will bring me into the next and last section of this post. However, before i talk about my epic friday night...friday morning I visited Quai 9, a harm reduction site that allows drug users to inject at the facilities to reduce the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis. I've only heard of needle exchange programs in the US, but this was NOTHING like it. We walked in and were met by one of the directors of Quai 9. We sat in the waiting room for the drug users (the facility was still closed when we were there, so it was only the 5 american students who went, 3 advisors, and the director) and get information on quai 9 and what it does. Then, we got taken on a tour of the facilities where we saw the snorting section of the room, the inhalation room, and the shoot-up stations. It was really scary to think I was standing a room where people shoot up heroine and cocaine, but it was amazing too to see this (from a public health standpoint). As controversial as harm reduction is needle-injections is a big problem and providing a place with free CLEAN needles and less-harmful environment is better than what is usually done. Anyways, it was really cool and interesting and im looking forward to doing more research in this field in April for my independent study project
now back to the fun stuff...
Bern Carnival...definitely a night for the record books
So though traditionally Carnival was last weekend, Bern celebrated its carnival this past thursday to saturday. So after classes on friday, a group of 8 of us catched a train to Bern, the swiss capital. The two hour, 40 CHF round trip train ride was DEF. worth it. We got off the train and the station was just buzzing with people. Next thing i know i heard some drums. Next thing, a person in an elaborate costume. Then some more. Then some more music. Then some more costumes. Before i knew it, I was watching a band perform even before making it to the hostel.
After checking into our hostel (located in PRIME location, basically a block away from the main street of carnival) we headed to find some face paint and cheap beer for pregaming. Finding both, we had some great asian cuisine..and yes i tried the pad thai, and yes it was amazing. Then it was time to get ready: face painting and drinking and listening to some good american music via iPhone was perfect. At 10:45ish we were ready to hit the streets!
Stop 1: Heineken truck with 5 CHF sangria. We got a commerative cup for 2CHF too and for refills we only had to pay the 5CHF.
Stop 2: Turn the corner to hit the main street. PACKS of people dressed up were there, following the marching band and listening them all. We stopped to listen to one and quickly made some new friends. Roberto and his pirate friend where our first friends.
I left said pirate friend and Roberto to find a bathroom and didn't find them ever again. But, they were a riot. Supposedly Roberto was there with his 6th grade kisser, with whom he "kissed on the lips." Oh roberto.
Stop 3. Back from the bathroom- we met everyone else at the same place by one of the stages with a marching band. Here we found our favorite band of the night. Dressed in bright turquoise and lime green carnival costumes they played some magical american tunes for us to sing along to. Here we met creeper of the night. He tried to give steve some laced well as some other things....we quickly walked away from him and went back to the heineken cart for more sangria.
Stop 4: After getting it we were waiting for some of our friends and up come Marcus and friends. Marcus came up to me, bised me (only twice though) and asked me if i knew what Abercrombie was. I said yes and his friend said he is a model. I was very confused...and starting talking to his friend. He asked me where I was from blah blah blah the usual, next thing i know he is drinking out of my sangria cup...but i let this happen..i think. But we decieded to part them after we found all our friends. They tried to convice us to go a night club called liquid- but with the party on the streets..we kindly said no. But from Marcus' friend i did get bised..this time 4. Apparently they don't bise 3 times in the Swiss German section of Switzerland.
- Note: i don't know if ive explained the bise but it is 3 cheek to cheek kisses, left right left as a greeting or parting.
Stop 4: The other side of the street to listen to more music. By this time it was 2 AM and after seeing countless of waldos, swine flu costumes, and avatars (one of them had no teeth! ah!) we decieded it was time to get some kabob and go to sleep.
Carnival is the greatest thing to ever happen to a country. America...get on it. Mardi Gras/Halloween is not enough. Also Bern>Geneva.
The next morning we walked around Bern and saw the parade with MORE costumes and all the bands. It was so fun to watch them and get confetti and candy thrown at us. The bands varied from Music i couldnt recognize, American music (including single ladies), and even some yodeling. Then we went to the capital building and the bear pits! (to see all my pictures- go onto facebook)
anyways. These past two weekends have been a blast but it has come time to travel.
Prochains Arrets: Paris for some GW loving (though I do get some here in Geneva) and then Brussels for some more reuniting!
So last weekend:
Rockin' Beats Fail and 12-5 in Lausanne
Rockin' Beats Fail
So, since the first night we went out in Nyon, we saw posters for a weekend long bar crawl with different concerts at each one. The entire group had been planning on attending since we saw it, thinking it'd be fun. Now the concert was described to have some rocking beats, but clearly this was a fail on their part. So Friday night comes, and we are all so excited. We planned for some pregaming at the castle (as per usual) and then set out to the first bar, le paranthese (the parentheses). The bar was located in a tunnel-type thing which was cool, but there was a 10 CHF cover, not so cool. So we figured, its the cheapest cover besides the two free why not. So we go, pay or 10 CHF and get into the bar. It is long and narrow with a bar when you enter and then an open space and a stage. Now, I was expecting to hear some techno and/or swiss music (i even would of been okay with some yodeling), however it was no such thing. It was quite the emo band..singing in french..and this music is good for relaxing and/or trying to fall asleep and/or listening to whenever but not at a bar or a music festival advertised to have rockin' beats. So after this fail, we decieded to try another one and wait until the next band came to parenthese incase they are better and we wouldnt hvae to repay 10 CHF.
So, we went to fisherman's one of our usual places. Free of charge, we get in and it is a little better, with a more hopping musical selection, but it was pretty packed. we stayed for a while, but then went back to le parenthese to be failed yet again. The music had still not improved. Thus, we went to our favorite cactus jacks to end the night. Here we sat around and chatted until our trains home.
Although it was not what we were expecting, it was a good way to all hang out together and experience a fail as a group!
12-5 in Lausanne
Since the first day we arrived in Geneva Earl has been telling us about the 12-5 culture of Switzerland. Well, it finally became time to try it out for ourselves. So a group of 5 (including myself) headed out to meet one of the guy's i was with host brother, who lives in Lausanne. We took a late night train out into Lausanne (about a 20 minute trip) and pregamed on the was pretty classy. Now the events after the train ride are still to be fully put together but here is the general idea:
- arrive at the train station and try to figure out where "Le Great Escape" is. So after teaching Chip how to say "Ou est Le great escape" we watched him ask about 7 people before finally getting to a young couple. They agreed to take us to the bar. Little did we know about the hike we were about to take. We walked uphill for a good 25 min...never hitting flat land. We make it to the end of the hill and the couple tells us to go up a set of stairs next to the giant cathedral and it will be at the top of that hill. Great. so we trek up and finally arrive to bar...panting.
-we stay at great escape. By this point i had little in me to think i was going to stay in Lausanne until the first train out at 4:20 AM. However, things quickly turned for the best. With some bonding and awkward starfishes the night trudged on and we made it through bar one. for what took palce at the bar, well, that is still being discussed
-we leave the bar and are ready to go to a club. Stephan, the host brother decides to take us to Buzz. For the first 30 min we tried to find our way through the smallish club, looking for 1) a bathroom and 2) a spot on the dance floor. After arriving to the dance floor, we mark our spot and finally start to dance. The music was luckily a fun variety of American Top 40 hits, which made it fun for us americans to sing along, actually know the words, and have fun dancing. Towards the end the music switched to some older american hits including: Sweet Dreams, Dancing Queen (best of the night), and These boots are made for walking. Luckily, for each song, we were able to incorporate some fist pumping...i mean, i am from New Jersey. So after dancing on the stage, singing my heart out, and countless fist pumps, i look at my phone and realize it is 4:00am. I was a) thrilled to have made it so far b) was ready to go home and c) so tired i wasn't even tired anymore. So we decided to leave Buzz and head back to the station, this time, conveniently all down hill. Luckily i decided on boots rather than heels, but for Shira..the same thing could not be said. After a long, slow walk home...we made it in time for teh 4:48 train. The train ride home was interesting as well...still be discussed but we did learn that putting ur feet up on a chair gives you a 25 CHF penalty. Luckily, we got away with it this time.
So at 6AM i was finally in bed and sleeping. Needless to say, I woke up at 2 the next day and did nothing. I think it was a well deserved rest though.
A week of classes
This week was pretty legitimate. Nothing too exciting happened until Thursday. (side note: Tuesday, 4 of us celebrated mardi gras at Cactus Jacks. It was filled with many bets being taken by the boys and me and Jenn just laughing at them. However it did allow for me to watch some olympics) Until then i was just attempting to finish our 8 page assignment due for thursday- an observation journal on the red cross museum and old town geneva. I felt like i was in middle school writing it, full of "i" and "we" phrases, and there was no actual topic to the assignment...but that is Earl for you. So whatever, it is over.
Thursday night all the host families got together for some raclette (melted cheese and potatoes). Sitting with my host family and another family in the group, Davide, on of the other directors of the trip sat across from me. He asked me how my french was...i said was improving greatly. Bad idea...i then commenced on a 2 hour long conversation in French with him..about: DC, The Red Cross, Obama, NYC, Bolt Bus, US Politics, Italian Politics, Geneva, and Harm Reduction. After two hours..i was mentally exhausted and had nothing else in me.
Friday was really interesting and will bring me into the next and last section of this post. However, before i talk about my epic friday night...friday morning I visited Quai 9, a harm reduction site that allows drug users to inject at the facilities to reduce the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis. I've only heard of needle exchange programs in the US, but this was NOTHING like it. We walked in and were met by one of the directors of Quai 9. We sat in the waiting room for the drug users (the facility was still closed when we were there, so it was only the 5 american students who went, 3 advisors, and the director) and get information on quai 9 and what it does. Then, we got taken on a tour of the facilities where we saw the snorting section of the room, the inhalation room, and the shoot-up stations. It was really scary to think I was standing a room where people shoot up heroine and cocaine, but it was amazing too to see this (from a public health standpoint). As controversial as harm reduction is needle-injections is a big problem and providing a place with free CLEAN needles and less-harmful environment is better than what is usually done. Anyways, it was really cool and interesting and im looking forward to doing more research in this field in April for my independent study project
now back to the fun stuff...
Bern Carnival...definitely a night for the record books
So though traditionally Carnival was last weekend, Bern celebrated its carnival this past thursday to saturday. So after classes on friday, a group of 8 of us catched a train to Bern, the swiss capital. The two hour, 40 CHF round trip train ride was DEF. worth it. We got off the train and the station was just buzzing with people. Next thing i know i heard some drums. Next thing, a person in an elaborate costume. Then some more. Then some more music. Then some more costumes. Before i knew it, I was watching a band perform even before making it to the hostel.
After checking into our hostel (located in PRIME location, basically a block away from the main street of carnival) we headed to find some face paint and cheap beer for pregaming. Finding both, we had some great asian cuisine..and yes i tried the pad thai, and yes it was amazing. Then it was time to get ready: face painting and drinking and listening to some good american music via iPhone was perfect. At 10:45ish we were ready to hit the streets!
Stop 1: Heineken truck with 5 CHF sangria. We got a commerative cup for 2CHF too and for refills we only had to pay the 5CHF.
Stop 2: Turn the corner to hit the main street. PACKS of people dressed up were there, following the marching band and listening them all. We stopped to listen to one and quickly made some new friends. Roberto and his pirate friend where our first friends.
Stop 3. Back from the bathroom- we met everyone else at the same place by one of the stages with a marching band. Here we found our favorite band of the night. Dressed in bright turquoise and lime green carnival costumes they played some magical american tunes for us to sing along to. Here we met creeper of the night. He tried to give steve some laced well as some other things....we quickly walked away from him and went back to the heineken cart for more sangria.
Stop 4: After getting it we were waiting for some of our friends and up come Marcus and friends. Marcus came up to me, bised me (only twice though) and asked me if i knew what Abercrombie was. I said yes and his friend said he is a model. I was very confused...and starting talking to his friend. He asked me where I was from blah blah blah the usual, next thing i know he is drinking out of my sangria cup...but i let this happen..i think. But we decieded to part them after we found all our friends. They tried to convice us to go a night club called liquid- but with the party on the streets..we kindly said no. But from Marcus' friend i did get bised..this time 4. Apparently they don't bise 3 times in the Swiss German section of Switzerland.
- Note: i don't know if ive explained the bise but it is 3 cheek to cheek kisses, left right left as a greeting or parting.
Stop 4: The other side of the street to listen to more music. By this time it was 2 AM and after seeing countless of waldos, swine flu costumes, and avatars (one of them had no teeth! ah!) we decieded it was time to get some kabob and go to sleep.
Carnival is the greatest thing to ever happen to a country. America...get on it. Mardi Gras/Halloween is not enough. Also Bern>Geneva.
The next morning we walked around Bern and saw the parade with MORE costumes and all the bands. It was so fun to watch them and get confetti and candy thrown at us. The bands varied from Music i couldnt recognize, American music (including single ladies), and even some yodeling. Then we went to the capital building and the bear pits! (to see all my pictures- go onto facebook)
anyways. These past two weekends have been a blast but it has come time to travel.
Prochains Arrets: Paris for some GW loving (though I do get some here in Geneva) and then Brussels for some more reuniting!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Being a Traditional Swiss and Traditional one weekend
I spent this weekend from others in the group traveling to different towns (some planned, some not) around Switzerland. So here is a taste of mon week-end en Suisse!
For some reason my alarm was set for 7:00 AM...(see post below). I woke up pretty confused and unable to wake up. So I gave myself an extra hour to be out of bed by 8:00 AM and to leave for the train station by 8:50 AM. So I rolled out of bed at 8:30 AM but still managed to leave by 8:55- it was pretty impressive if i do say so myself..but it was not pleasant at all. At the train station we bought our tickets to Gruyere. Now if you can't tell by the name, they make cheese there... specifically gruyere cheese (ha). The train ride was kind of unpleasant- having to switch 2 times while waiting for some advil to kick in. However, once we arrived in Gruyere everything was better again. It was a beautiful day and the scenery was just amazing. Snowy mountains and towns on hills surrounded us. We walked into the cheese factory and looked at a lot a lot of gruyere cheese and took some pictures..then we decided to make the trek to the actual town for some food and to visit the chateau...from here many fails ensued.
Fail un: The path to the town. Now, normally this walk would of been fine, just a steep uphill pathway into the cute town. However, this steep hill, with minimal hand bars or things to grab onto was COVERED and i mean COVERED in ice. Getting up to the top of the hill took a century due to the slowing "walking" (more like sliding) up the hill. Amazingly, I didn't fall! And for those of you who know me...i tend to fall on normal roads so icy ones are usually not the best for me..aka ("ROLL ONTO THE GRASS!"...for any of who you know that story..the ice was worse this time). Anyways so we finally made it to the town and by this point we were all starving.
So what better to eat in Gruyere then Gruyere cheese? Here we went for some fondue which was really good but REALLY cheesy...but I am in switzerland so this is what happens. And here is when fail deux occured.
Fail Deux: language barriers. Now, ever since middle school, french teachers have come and gone leaving me with little knowledge of the language. In college it got a little better, but if you look at GW's french aren't looking at the pride and glory of university french departments (few professors aside). Thus attempting to speak french to the waitress for our table..was quite interesting. Turns out we had been saying the exact same thing to each other..just differently for about 5-7 min. She finally said it in English and it was what i was trying to say all along. ha I win. not.
After the filling fondue, it came time to digest it (which it is better to drink tea when having fondue rather than water to avoid the cheese from hardening in your tasty right?). So we headed up the castle to explore. Not everyone went into the castle but I did..and let me tell you the video we saw was work the 8.50 CHF. This video had surround sound, screens in different areas of the room, and a fabulous narrater with great facial expressions/winking eyes..he was quite the creep actually, but we all know i love my creeps. The castle was fun- but what was most fun was one of the people's i was with, Chad's, comments. Chad if you are reading this- go to the China Room and take a time out. Then go fall off a horse. But, I assure you...this is OUR train. (If you don't get it..its probably better).
After the castle we had some creme. It was kinda weird and sweet but on top of merengues it was actually amazing. So we began our trek home. Now if you remember, we had to climb up a hill completely covered in ice...where i was actually fearing my life....
Fail three: if we had walked a little farther up the street, we would of come across stairs to the main town that were NOT covered in Ice and much easier to get up to the town with. So we safely walked down the hill. I'm still bitter about it.
So we get to the bottom of the hill and hang out until our tram comes.
Fail four: Two trams come at the same time. Which one do we get on to? THE WRONG ONE. Let's keep in mind, there was a sign in front of us that we were staring at for prob 10 min...and we still managed to get on the wrong tram. Since these tram's come every hour we had to get off and wait another hour for it to come. So we get off, and we are in this small town (which smell's horribly) where NOTHING is open. So we resort to playing cherades (which was actually quite fun) until we made it onto a tram and onto a train home)
On our way home we stopped in Lausanne to get some Kabobs/Falafelel. delicious.
Then...sleep finally happened.
Sunday we went to Montreux, another petit ville, to see another castle. Though this train ride was more pleasant and required no transfers, so it was quite nice. The train took us around the lake- providing for even more amazing views of the lake, alps, and France. Once we got to Montreux, we began our 2.5 mile walk along the lake to the castle. On our walk we passed: a Freddie Mercury (singer in Queen) statue, about 5-6 "Madagascar"- the movie animals...(yea we don't know why they were there either), and a casino. After exploring the castle, we decieded it was time to eat and had heard about a mexican place in Montreux. Now, we were all CRAVING mexican, talking about some quac, tacos, burritos...the works..we were SO EXCITED. We got the address and began POWER WALKING those 2.5 miles back to the main town. We made it there in probably half the find that it was CLOSED for renovations. The look of sadness on some people's faces was great..though I'll admit i was one of them. So we resorted to a pizzeria to eat some pizza! Woo! Then we took the train back home!
Now by this time, I was pretty set on NOT watching the Superbowl. I was pretty exhuasted, not rooting for any team in particular (I wanted the Colts to lose more than I wanted the Saints to win), and just had not reason to stay up til 5 am to watch the game. But, the people on this trip have learned how easily/quickly I can be before I knew it it, i was looking at an all nighter. However, i was UNABLE to nap because my host family had some friends over for souper (dinner). So after being exhausted, I had to speak french to complete strangers for 3 hours, leave the soiree early, to catch a train into Nyon for the game.
So we waltz into the bar around 12:00 AM. We walked in and got some strange looks..but kinda just ignored it- we figured we just looked like American's so whatever. So we find a spot to sit and watch the game and see a sign that says "Soiree Prive"- Private Party...ummmmmm huh? So we go to bar to order a pitcher and ask if we are allowed to be there- the bartender said yes as long as we got okay totes fine. So the four of us who were there got a pitcher and waited for the two others to come. They came shortly after kickoff, but the door was locked. Someone let them in but began questioning them...however one of the girls I was with..quickly went to grab the guys and they were easily allowed in. But the night does not end with watching the After buying a few things ourselves, we resorted to this private party. The word "pardon" got us in really quickly- getting us some chips, party mix, and beer. Fine with this..we continued to watch the gam. As the end of the 3rd quarter rolls around....the bartenders start giving us all this FREE food- hot croissants with cheese and ham, pretzels, brownies, popcorn, peace iced tea, much. It was pretty bomb...not to mention, Peyton's ass got kicked so that was another plus of the night.
As the game neared towards an end at 4:00 AM, I was A) surprised it ended so early and B) surprised I stayed awake.
I was in bed by 4:30 AM and had to be up at ready by 9:00 AM.
on how i felt monday and tuesday and what happened the rest of the beginning of the week...check back soon.
Au Revoir mes Amis!
For some reason my alarm was set for 7:00 AM...(see post below). I woke up pretty confused and unable to wake up. So I gave myself an extra hour to be out of bed by 8:00 AM and to leave for the train station by 8:50 AM. So I rolled out of bed at 8:30 AM but still managed to leave by 8:55- it was pretty impressive if i do say so myself..but it was not pleasant at all. At the train station we bought our tickets to Gruyere. Now if you can't tell by the name, they make cheese there... specifically gruyere cheese (ha). The train ride was kind of unpleasant- having to switch 2 times while waiting for some advil to kick in. However, once we arrived in Gruyere everything was better again. It was a beautiful day and the scenery was just amazing. Snowy mountains and towns on hills surrounded us. We walked into the cheese factory and looked at a lot a lot of gruyere cheese and took some pictures..then we decided to make the trek to the actual town for some food and to visit the chateau...from here many fails ensued.
Fail un: The path to the town. Now, normally this walk would of been fine, just a steep uphill pathway into the cute town. However, this steep hill, with minimal hand bars or things to grab onto was COVERED and i mean COVERED in ice. Getting up to the top of the hill took a century due to the slowing "walking" (more like sliding) up the hill. Amazingly, I didn't fall! And for those of you who know me...i tend to fall on normal roads so icy ones are usually not the best for me..aka ("ROLL ONTO THE GRASS!"...for any of who you know that story..the ice was worse this time). Anyways so we finally made it to the town and by this point we were all starving.
So what better to eat in Gruyere then Gruyere cheese? Here we went for some fondue which was really good but REALLY cheesy...but I am in switzerland so this is what happens. And here is when fail deux occured.
Fail Deux: language barriers. Now, ever since middle school, french teachers have come and gone leaving me with little knowledge of the language. In college it got a little better, but if you look at GW's french aren't looking at the pride and glory of university french departments (few professors aside). Thus attempting to speak french to the waitress for our table..was quite interesting. Turns out we had been saying the exact same thing to each other..just differently for about 5-7 min. She finally said it in English and it was what i was trying to say all along. ha I win. not.
After the filling fondue, it came time to digest it (which it is better to drink tea when having fondue rather than water to avoid the cheese from hardening in your tasty right?). So we headed up the castle to explore. Not everyone went into the castle but I did..and let me tell you the video we saw was work the 8.50 CHF. This video had surround sound, screens in different areas of the room, and a fabulous narrater with great facial expressions/winking eyes..he was quite the creep actually, but we all know i love my creeps. The castle was fun- but what was most fun was one of the people's i was with, Chad's, comments. Chad if you are reading this- go to the China Room and take a time out. Then go fall off a horse. But, I assure you...this is OUR train. (If you don't get it..its probably better).
After the castle we had some creme. It was kinda weird and sweet but on top of merengues it was actually amazing. So we began our trek home. Now if you remember, we had to climb up a hill completely covered in ice...where i was actually fearing my life....
Fail three: if we had walked a little farther up the street, we would of come across stairs to the main town that were NOT covered in Ice and much easier to get up to the town with. So we safely walked down the hill. I'm still bitter about it.
So we get to the bottom of the hill and hang out until our tram comes.
Fail four: Two trams come at the same time. Which one do we get on to? THE WRONG ONE. Let's keep in mind, there was a sign in front of us that we were staring at for prob 10 min...and we still managed to get on the wrong tram. Since these tram's come every hour we had to get off and wait another hour for it to come. So we get off, and we are in this small town (which smell's horribly) where NOTHING is open. So we resort to playing cherades (which was actually quite fun) until we made it onto a tram and onto a train home)
On our way home we stopped in Lausanne to get some Kabobs/Falafelel. delicious.
Then...sleep finally happened.
Sunday we went to Montreux, another petit ville, to see another castle. Though this train ride was more pleasant and required no transfers, so it was quite nice. The train took us around the lake- providing for even more amazing views of the lake, alps, and France. Once we got to Montreux, we began our 2.5 mile walk along the lake to the castle. On our walk we passed: a Freddie Mercury (singer in Queen) statue, about 5-6 "Madagascar"- the movie animals...(yea we don't know why they were there either), and a casino. After exploring the castle, we decieded it was time to eat and had heard about a mexican place in Montreux. Now, we were all CRAVING mexican, talking about some quac, tacos, burritos...the works..we were SO EXCITED. We got the address and began POWER WALKING those 2.5 miles back to the main town. We made it there in probably half the find that it was CLOSED for renovations. The look of sadness on some people's faces was great..though I'll admit i was one of them. So we resorted to a pizzeria to eat some pizza! Woo! Then we took the train back home!
Now by this time, I was pretty set on NOT watching the Superbowl. I was pretty exhuasted, not rooting for any team in particular (I wanted the Colts to lose more than I wanted the Saints to win), and just had not reason to stay up til 5 am to watch the game. But, the people on this trip have learned how easily/quickly I can be before I knew it it, i was looking at an all nighter. However, i was UNABLE to nap because my host family had some friends over for souper (dinner). So after being exhausted, I had to speak french to complete strangers for 3 hours, leave the soiree early, to catch a train into Nyon for the game.
So we waltz into the bar around 12:00 AM. We walked in and got some strange looks..but kinda just ignored it- we figured we just looked like American's so whatever. So we find a spot to sit and watch the game and see a sign that says "Soiree Prive"- Private Party...ummmmmm huh? So we go to bar to order a pitcher and ask if we are allowed to be there- the bartender said yes as long as we got okay totes fine. So the four of us who were there got a pitcher and waited for the two others to come. They came shortly after kickoff, but the door was locked. Someone let them in but began questioning them...however one of the girls I was with..quickly went to grab the guys and they were easily allowed in. But the night does not end with watching the After buying a few things ourselves, we resorted to this private party. The word "pardon" got us in really quickly- getting us some chips, party mix, and beer. Fine with this..we continued to watch the gam. As the end of the 3rd quarter rolls around....the bartenders start giving us all this FREE food- hot croissants with cheese and ham, pretzels, brownies, popcorn, peace iced tea, much. It was pretty bomb...not to mention, Peyton's ass got kicked so that was another plus of the night.
As the game neared towards an end at 4:00 AM, I was A) surprised it ended so early and B) surprised I stayed awake.
I was in bed by 4:30 AM and had to be up at ready by 9:00 AM.
on how i felt monday and tuesday and what happened the rest of the beginning of the week...check back soon.
Au Revoir mes Amis!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Week Recap: Chocolate Chaud and Sweet Babies
So because I was unable to post until today, you all will not only get a RECAP of this baller week but you'll get a second post about today's adventure (maybe- or you'll get a weekend recap tomorrow and ill make sure to keep up this week!)!
We started the morning off in Genève, for our first class/discussion thing. Amazingly, this went by pretty quickly allowing us to run to Nyon to get some lunch then get ready for our first french class. Now, three hours of french after lunch does NOT go as quickly as morning classes do. However, class could be A LOT worse. There are 5 others in my level, with RITA our teacher. Rita's cool and italian, so I can deal. Luckily we get breaks so we can get our 1 CHF chocolate chaud that comes one of this crazy machine and even gives you a stirrer. I'll try to remember to take a picture of this contraption.
I can't really remember monday night- but I don't think it was that interesting. Although, luckily i can get GW VPN to work so i can access hulu and watch american tv..thank goodness.
Tuesday started off a little rough. I got up pretty early to catch a train into Geneva so we could get to the Med School on time for a lecture. So a group of us got there early enough and went to go wait by the cylinder drum. After waiting for 20 min...we realized no one else was there and it was the time to meet. We were actually CERTAIN we were in the right place and even did a lap around the area we were in...but no sign of anyone. So we finally call Earl- yea we were in the wrong spot. oops. Anywho, then we went to a lecture on aging and swiss health care. Luckily we got another break for some more chocolate chaud and this time i put the mix into coffee- which was perfect to wake me up!
Then it was time for french class again- nothing interesting. However, a couple of us made plans to go back into Nyon after dinner at our homes. Now, we've been hearing about Cactus Jack's from various sources, telling us we should go there. So a group of 6 of us headed to the bar. We found the best deal was to get a thing of 10 shots for 40 CHF (sad that thats the best deal.) So after looking through the options and eliminating things with tequila and/or tabasco sauce..we went for Sweet Baby..basically vodka, citron, and a lemon dipped in sugar for after. This was actually the sweetest tasting thing I have had in this country so far...far to sweet but has turned out to be the best out of three so far. So we went for another hat to try another shooter. Now, I don't think i can even tell you what was in it...but I was wishing I could go back to the sweet babies. It tasted like Good and Plenty's or whatever that gross candy is called. Licorice is not my thing..however the "revolution" has made it second onto the list...but hopefully it'll move down a little more. For the worst shot, I am going to make you wait for thursday's recap.

We grabbed one of the last trains back to Gland and luckily I had some chocolate waiting for me when i got home. Buying that was a GREAT move..and I wish i had it for thursday (see below).
WEDNESDAY- "I have a UN security badge...nbd":
So Wed, morning was made a little more pleasant because we had our first trip to the United Nations. The grounds are really nice and the campus is pretty huge. It is in a great area and most of the other organizations surround the UN palais. When we got there we had to go through security and stand in line to get our passes for the next three months- these grant us access to the certain parts of the grounds and the library- which we can use whenever. We're pretty official..its no big deal (nbd).
After the United Nations and a tour of their library and shiz (which btw....the stacks are pretty LEGIT and you can't access them- books are brought to you), we split into groups and went to different libraries. Each group then had to present their findings of resources and shiz to the group at the end of the week. My group went to the Graduate Institute of Geneva for International Affairs & Development. They had some awesome resources which will DEFINITELY come in handy. Since our group finished relatively early, we headed back into a main part of Geneva to try and find the jet de l'eau. Once we got there, most of us decieded it was too far and our business casual shoes were not working out too well so we just walked around and went home. But, here are some shots of the lake and the jet!

Thursday was the day I've kinda been waiting for: we went to the OMS! (WHO in english, world health organization). Though, I haven't met my future boss yet...i'm gonna be going back so hopefully we'll meet :). But yea we just listened to a mental health lecture- and everyone was just exhausted and not feeling it..but it was cool. We got another badge- not as official, but still pretty legit. Then it was time for more french class. The class is getting to be a too much- it is just too long..but whatever..could be worse!
After class, we headed to Denners- a grocery store. On our way though, we came across the America Mart. Everything there was sadly the processed foods we americans eat, but it was great to see it all haha. especially BEN AND JERRYS- however the lack of ochunk was actually depressing (to the tribe- this made me so sad :( ) Anyways, at denner we stooped to a new low, a wine for 1.65 CHF. It was actually surprisingly not bad. We pre-gamed at the castle in Nyon- with a beautiful view of the lake and city. Getting to Nyon from Gland was a double decker train pulled up. We were not sure if we were allowed to take it- so i tried to speak french (fail) to ask as Jenn got crushed by the door. But eventually we made it to the castle. Then we headed over to cactus jacks for more bad decisions. THIS is were the worst shooter comes into play: picture tequila, some other gross alcohal, and TABASCO sauce. not so pleasant. I mean it could have been worse- but it was pretty bad. Bah okay i cant even talk about it- but trust me..dont do it. The bartender actually recommended it- it was prettty RUDE of her. Then we we ventured off into nyon for a little & caught the last train home. We were craving chocolate so badly but had NONE. worst life decision ever. Then came friday.
Yesterday, friday, was legit. Earl was in a weird mood though, which was quite depressing..whatever. I got my "demi-tarrif" card that gives me 1/2 off of all train travel within switzerland- which is GREAT and has already been useful (look for this weekend's post). After a shortened french class (normally we don't even have french on fridays) we headed back to denners to pick up our 1.65 CHF wine + some pretzels and chocolate- since we endured a night with no chocolate the night before. We decided it was time to go out in Geneva. So after dinner- we headed back to the castle for our pre-gaming festivities. We were surrounded by 13/15 year it was quite amusing haha. Then we took the train into Geneva to meet up with Steve's other friends from cornell. There we pregamed some more then went to a bar Les Brasseurs. Now I don't know WHY we decided to do this, but 8 of us split 5 L of beer..when most of us did not need it. Pictures of this contraption will come soon- I'll upload them tonight. But needless to say, we had quite the eventful train ride home- concluding with la bise and the devouring of pretzels and chocolate. However, it proved to be a great success...until I had to wake up at 8 this morning to go to gruyere!
more on this to come... including my epic morning trying to recover.
Anyways- look for another posting later or tomorrow night after we go to Montreux for more castles and swiss landscapes (i think?) Hopefully I'll have it up before our epic quest to find the superbowl on TV begins!
ciao ciao!
We started the morning off in Genève, for our first class/discussion thing. Amazingly, this went by pretty quickly allowing us to run to Nyon to get some lunch then get ready for our first french class. Now, three hours of french after lunch does NOT go as quickly as morning classes do. However, class could be A LOT worse. There are 5 others in my level, with RITA our teacher. Rita's cool and italian, so I can deal. Luckily we get breaks so we can get our 1 CHF chocolate chaud that comes one of this crazy machine and even gives you a stirrer. I'll try to remember to take a picture of this contraption.
I can't really remember monday night- but I don't think it was that interesting. Although, luckily i can get GW VPN to work so i can access hulu and watch american tv..thank goodness.
Tuesday started off a little rough. I got up pretty early to catch a train into Geneva so we could get to the Med School on time for a lecture. So a group of us got there early enough and went to go wait by the cylinder drum. After waiting for 20 min...we realized no one else was there and it was the time to meet. We were actually CERTAIN we were in the right place and even did a lap around the area we were in...but no sign of anyone. So we finally call Earl- yea we were in the wrong spot. oops. Anywho, then we went to a lecture on aging and swiss health care. Luckily we got another break for some more chocolate chaud and this time i put the mix into coffee- which was perfect to wake me up!
Then it was time for french class again- nothing interesting. However, a couple of us made plans to go back into Nyon after dinner at our homes. Now, we've been hearing about Cactus Jack's from various sources, telling us we should go there. So a group of 6 of us headed to the bar. We found the best deal was to get a thing of 10 shots for 40 CHF (sad that thats the best deal.) So after looking through the options and eliminating things with tequila and/or tabasco sauce..we went for Sweet Baby..basically vodka, citron, and a lemon dipped in sugar for after. This was actually the sweetest tasting thing I have had in this country so far...far to sweet but has turned out to be the best out of three so far. So we went for another hat to try another shooter. Now, I don't think i can even tell you what was in it...but I was wishing I could go back to the sweet babies. It tasted like Good and Plenty's or whatever that gross candy is called. Licorice is not my thing..however the "revolution" has made it second onto the list...but hopefully it'll move down a little more. For the worst shot, I am going to make you wait for thursday's recap.
We grabbed one of the last trains back to Gland and luckily I had some chocolate waiting for me when i got home. Buying that was a GREAT move..and I wish i had it for thursday (see below).
WEDNESDAY- "I have a UN security badge...nbd":
So Wed, morning was made a little more pleasant because we had our first trip to the United Nations. The grounds are really nice and the campus is pretty huge. It is in a great area and most of the other organizations surround the UN palais. When we got there we had to go through security and stand in line to get our passes for the next three months- these grant us access to the certain parts of the grounds and the library- which we can use whenever. We're pretty official..its no big deal (nbd).
After the United Nations and a tour of their library and shiz (which btw....the stacks are pretty LEGIT and you can't access them- books are brought to you), we split into groups and went to different libraries. Each group then had to present their findings of resources and shiz to the group at the end of the week. My group went to the Graduate Institute of Geneva for International Affairs & Development. They had some awesome resources which will DEFINITELY come in handy. Since our group finished relatively early, we headed back into a main part of Geneva to try and find the jet de l'eau. Once we got there, most of us decieded it was too far and our business casual shoes were not working out too well so we just walked around and went home. But, here are some shots of the lake and the jet!
Thursday was the day I've kinda been waiting for: we went to the OMS! (WHO in english, world health organization). Though, I haven't met my future boss yet...i'm gonna be going back so hopefully we'll meet :). But yea we just listened to a mental health lecture- and everyone was just exhausted and not feeling it..but it was cool. We got another badge- not as official, but still pretty legit. Then it was time for more french class. The class is getting to be a too much- it is just too long..but whatever..could be worse!
After class, we headed to Denners- a grocery store. On our way though, we came across the America Mart. Everything there was sadly the processed foods we americans eat, but it was great to see it all haha. especially BEN AND JERRYS- however the lack of ochunk was actually depressing (to the tribe- this made me so sad :( ) Anyways, at denner we stooped to a new low, a wine for 1.65 CHF. It was actually surprisingly not bad. We pre-gamed at the castle in Nyon- with a beautiful view of the lake and city. Getting to Nyon from Gland was a double decker train pulled up. We were not sure if we were allowed to take it- so i tried to speak french (fail) to ask as Jenn got crushed by the door. But eventually we made it to the castle. Then we headed over to cactus jacks for more bad decisions. THIS is were the worst shooter comes into play: picture tequila, some other gross alcohal, and TABASCO sauce. not so pleasant. I mean it could have been worse- but it was pretty bad. Bah okay i cant even talk about it- but trust me..dont do it. The bartender actually recommended it- it was prettty RUDE of her. Then we we ventured off into nyon for a little & caught the last train home. We were craving chocolate so badly but had NONE. worst life decision ever. Then came friday.
Yesterday, friday, was legit. Earl was in a weird mood though, which was quite depressing..whatever. I got my "demi-tarrif" card that gives me 1/2 off of all train travel within switzerland- which is GREAT and has already been useful (look for this weekend's post). After a shortened french class (normally we don't even have french on fridays) we headed back to denners to pick up our 1.65 CHF wine + some pretzels and chocolate- since we endured a night with no chocolate the night before. We decided it was time to go out in Geneva. So after dinner- we headed back to the castle for our pre-gaming festivities. We were surrounded by 13/15 year it was quite amusing haha. Then we took the train into Geneva to meet up with Steve's other friends from cornell. There we pregamed some more then went to a bar Les Brasseurs. Now I don't know WHY we decided to do this, but 8 of us split 5 L of beer..when most of us did not need it. Pictures of this contraption will come soon- I'll upload them tonight. But needless to say, we had quite the eventful train ride home- concluding with la bise and the devouring of pretzels and chocolate. However, it proved to be a great success...until I had to wake up at 8 this morning to go to gruyere!
more on this to come... including my epic morning trying to recover.
Anyways- look for another posting later or tomorrow night after we go to Montreux for more castles and swiss landscapes (i think?) Hopefully I'll have it up before our epic quest to find the superbowl on TV begins!
ciao ciao!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Three C's: Cheese, Chocolate, and Carbs
So I've learned I will be eating three main things, Cheese, Chocolate, and Carbs. Take today's meals for instance, Breakfast: Chocolate Croissant with Hot Chocolate. Lunch: Baked Macaroni and Cheese (made with gruyere...SOO good) Snack: another chocolate croissant this time fresh from a patisserie and un cafe. Dinner: a savory crepe with some form of cheese in it and two sweet crepes- one with sugar and one with nutella. Other meals have included, pizza- because apparently the swiss love to own pizzerias, fondue (cheese with bread), sandwiches with cheese and the most delicious hot swiss miss here. However, I have yet to have a legit piece of chocolate from a swiss this is my mission for the week!
But enough about food...I'm too full to even think of eating.
So answer your questions: I don't have any roommates- in fact i have my own bedroom and bathroom so that is really nice. As for my family here are some descriptions...
The dad, Cedric, is a cool guy. He helped me figure out my internet and such and we've chatted. He keeps offering me wine at dinner and I feel weird because only he is drinking it..but ill prob accept in the next couple of days. He also likes to put spicy toppings on his food (so dad, if you are reading this, you two are apparently alike...clearly i can't get rid of people who are like you).
The mom, Irma, is so nice. She is a great cook, does laundry basically every day (including mine), and great to talk to. She is really sweet and understanding and has already made me feel at home.
The two daughters, Brianna and Louana are really cute and nice. Louana, the 7 year old, wrote me a note yesterday saying she liked me and my laugh. It was really cute.
I pretty much am free to do whatever I want. I have a key to the apartment and can go out whenever til whenever. I just have to call if I won't be home for dinner! There is a Migros (grocery and convenience store- so that is super helpful). I am also just a 7 min walk to the train that is helpful. But so far, it has been great living here and am loving it!
So last night was my first night in Gland, the town i'm living in which is 2 train stops away from Geneva (about 20 min away), and it was quite the experience. When my host mom told me that there wasn't much to do in this town..she wasn't lying. There are two places: Fingers (yes...fingers), a wine bar, and Finnegans an Irish Pub. So two other girls from the program, one of their host brothers, and I went to Finnegans. We passed by Fingers but 1. we didn't think we were dressed well enough and 2. it was called we braved the cold a little longer to get to the pub. Anyways, Finnegans was quite the experience- they played Green Day, Blink 182, and this song called Africa (which sounds nothing like Green Day or Blink 182 if you have never heard that song). Anyways, aside from the random music selections it was filled with french speaking people that ranged from 16 to i don't even know where. Not to mention a beer was 8.50 CHF...this city is going to kill my bank account (but I'll soon be living off 2.90 CHF wine...i think that'll work out better). But within this crazy atmosphere, it was pretty fun. The two other girls from the program and me tried to speak to the french kinda failed...but we can work on that. So yes...pretty chill of a night but it was fun.
Today, I slept in..finally. I had asked my host mom when I should wake up and she told me to sleep I did. Aside from all my meals today, I went into Nyon with the other two girls living in my town and met someone else from the program. We walked to the lake and there was a market going on that happens on the last sunday of every month. At this market, you could probably find any random thing you would ever want. There were salad choppers (Chop't style), snow boots, beads, paintings, random mannequin yea. The rest of the city was pretty much shut down because it's no one really does much. But we just walked around and went to a patisserie and chatted.
So now I am sitting in my bed writing this post, and procrastinating doing i guess somethings never change.... 3 hour french classes start tomorrow...this should be an interesting experience in itself.
À tout à l'heure!
But enough about food...I'm too full to even think of eating.
So answer your questions: I don't have any roommates- in fact i have my own bedroom and bathroom so that is really nice. As for my family here are some descriptions...
The dad, Cedric, is a cool guy. He helped me figure out my internet and such and we've chatted. He keeps offering me wine at dinner and I feel weird because only he is drinking it..but ill prob accept in the next couple of days. He also likes to put spicy toppings on his food (so dad, if you are reading this, you two are apparently alike...clearly i can't get rid of people who are like you).
The mom, Irma, is so nice. She is a great cook, does laundry basically every day (including mine), and great to talk to. She is really sweet and understanding and has already made me feel at home.
The two daughters, Brianna and Louana are really cute and nice. Louana, the 7 year old, wrote me a note yesterday saying she liked me and my laugh. It was really cute.
I pretty much am free to do whatever I want. I have a key to the apartment and can go out whenever til whenever. I just have to call if I won't be home for dinner! There is a Migros (grocery and convenience store- so that is super helpful). I am also just a 7 min walk to the train that is helpful. But so far, it has been great living here and am loving it!
So last night was my first night in Gland, the town i'm living in which is 2 train stops away from Geneva (about 20 min away), and it was quite the experience. When my host mom told me that there wasn't much to do in this town..she wasn't lying. There are two places: Fingers (yes...fingers), a wine bar, and Finnegans an Irish Pub. So two other girls from the program, one of their host brothers, and I went to Finnegans. We passed by Fingers but 1. we didn't think we were dressed well enough and 2. it was called we braved the cold a little longer to get to the pub. Anyways, Finnegans was quite the experience- they played Green Day, Blink 182, and this song called Africa (which sounds nothing like Green Day or Blink 182 if you have never heard that song). Anyways, aside from the random music selections it was filled with french speaking people that ranged from 16 to i don't even know where. Not to mention a beer was 8.50 CHF...this city is going to kill my bank account (but I'll soon be living off 2.90 CHF wine...i think that'll work out better). But within this crazy atmosphere, it was pretty fun. The two other girls from the program and me tried to speak to the french kinda failed...but we can work on that. So yes...pretty chill of a night but it was fun.
Today, I slept in..finally. I had asked my host mom when I should wake up and she told me to sleep I did. Aside from all my meals today, I went into Nyon with the other two girls living in my town and met someone else from the program. We walked to the lake and there was a market going on that happens on the last sunday of every month. At this market, you could probably find any random thing you would ever want. There were salad choppers (Chop't style), snow boots, beads, paintings, random mannequin yea. The rest of the city was pretty much shut down because it's no one really does much. But we just walked around and went to a patisserie and chatted.
So now I am sitting in my bed writing this post, and procrastinating doing i guess somethings never change.... 3 hour french classes start tomorrow...this should be an interesting experience in itself.
À tout à l'heure!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Finally in Gevève- with a view of the Alps from my window
So I safely made it to Geneva on Wed. morning at 7:30 AM Geneva time. It was an okay flight- some turbulence- but half empty so I was able to stretch out. My sleeping plan semi-worked but not so much. So I got in way early and was all by myself for like 20 min. There was another girl who was on my flight that I thought may of been with the SIT I went to go ask and got shot down...sooo that was fail #1 of Geneva. So finally more people got there, we find a corner of the airport to hang out in until 12:30 when we were being picked up from the airport!
It was an interesting 4 hours- trying to meet everyone/stay awake but it was fun! Once we got picked up we went to a hostel in the city and dove straight into orientation. We were tired and miserable, but we met life quickly became better. Earl, our academic director, is QUITE the character (al- that use of the word character is dedicated to you). He is older, in fact its his last year doing this, bald, does NOT wear jackets in the freezing cold weather, but only scarfs and a fleece vest. Not even a hat. While I am bundled up in a puffy jacket, huge scarf, glittens, and a hat with earflaps. Anyways- he doesnt walk, he glides and he apparently ice skates. He flips his hands around a lot and has can pivot very well- tyra banks would be so proud. Needless to say, we all love earl and he takes up over 50% of the groups conversations.
Anywho. Geneva is beautiful. we toured the old town yesterday and it was great. Very old and european-esque. I was finally able to see the Alps because visibility was a little better. But the lake is beautiful.
Today we moved to our homestays. We had this reception were literally the Americans sat and waited for the families to felt like judgement day or something. Anyways mine were like 5th to last to come, but they are GREAT. I live with two parents and two girls (15 and 8). They are so nice and so welcoming- i even have my own bedroom and bathroom. I live two train stops away from Geneva- about a 20 minish train ride but most of our classes are in Nyon which is only one train stop away. The best part is- i can see the Alps from my window. I am seriously living in a postcard it is amazing.
Anyways- now that i have a constant internet connection (wireless WOO!) i will be able to update/keep in contact with everyone.
a bientot!
It was an interesting 4 hours- trying to meet everyone/stay awake but it was fun! Once we got picked up we went to a hostel in the city and dove straight into orientation. We were tired and miserable, but we met life quickly became better. Earl, our academic director, is QUITE the character (al- that use of the word character is dedicated to you). He is older, in fact its his last year doing this, bald, does NOT wear jackets in the freezing cold weather, but only scarfs and a fleece vest. Not even a hat. While I am bundled up in a puffy jacket, huge scarf, glittens, and a hat with earflaps. Anyways- he doesnt walk, he glides and he apparently ice skates. He flips his hands around a lot and has can pivot very well- tyra banks would be so proud. Needless to say, we all love earl and he takes up over 50% of the groups conversations.
Anywho. Geneva is beautiful. we toured the old town yesterday and it was great. Very old and european-esque. I was finally able to see the Alps because visibility was a little better. But the lake is beautiful.
Today we moved to our homestays. We had this reception were literally the Americans sat and waited for the families to felt like judgement day or something. Anyways mine were like 5th to last to come, but they are GREAT. I live with two parents and two girls (15 and 8). They are so nice and so welcoming- i even have my own bedroom and bathroom. I live two train stops away from Geneva- about a 20 minish train ride but most of our classes are in Nyon which is only one train stop away. The best part is- i can see the Alps from my window. I am seriously living in a postcard it is amazing.
Anyways- now that i have a constant internet connection (wireless WOO!) i will be able to update/keep in contact with everyone.
a bientot!
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Night Before...
So, I have been convinced by a few to keep a blog while I'm studying abroad in Geneva! Though I am not really sure how often I'll be able to write/what I'll actually write about- I decided it would be a good way to keep some form of communication with everyone! So first, I have a couple shout-outs to get out of the way.
- First goes to Miz Eric for coming up with a name for the blog. Naming it turned out to be quite difficult, but with Eric's mind we were able to come up with something that actually had to do with Geneva (unlike Matty's suggestion). Though Eric, I am sorry I took out the victim part- I figured only 4 people would actually understand this absurdity of me playing victim, which is totally untrue. But, thanks!! Next goes to Matty. I don't really have anything new to tell you because I was just staring at your's (and Eric's) face for 1:16 min via skype..but I didn't want to ignore you like you did to me in the elevator. But, I commend you on your effort for trying to come up with a name "the life and times of an abnormal/paranormal child." Sadly this has little to do with Geneva and nothing to do with me, so you lose. But, you have bbm access so in the grand scheme of things you win since we can easily talk to each other.
- Lastly (for this post at least) I choose Liz Vargasss. Again, I don't really know why you, but we talked before so I guess that works. I forgot to ask you how your peanut butter captain crunch with milk was the other night. So let me know, please? You were having such an ethical debate about it. But, I guess I can also give you a Switzerland related shout out because of this famous quote: Liz: Hey, did you know that Switzerland and Ireland are exact opposites? Me: Umm how is that? Liz: Switzerland is landlocked and Ireland is an island!" So just for that, I guess you rightfully earn a mention in my first post.
So, to everyone back at GW/in the US- I'll miss you all! I'll try to keep you all updated somehow!
And to everyone already in Europe- see you there :)
For now, I have to finish packing my life into ONE suitcase (impossible? hopefully not) and then cram everything else into my backpack/carry on duffle...
talk to you all from Geneva!
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