Monday, January 25, 2010

The Night Before...

So, I have been convinced by a few to keep a blog while I'm studying abroad in Geneva! Though I am not really sure how often I'll be able to write/what I'll actually write about- I decided it would be a good way to keep some form of communication with everyone! So first, I have a couple shout-outs to get out of the way.
  • First goes to Miz Eric for coming up with a name for the blog. Naming it turned out to be quite difficult, but with Eric's mind we were able to come up with something that actually had to do with Geneva (unlike Matty's suggestion). Though Eric, I am sorry I took out the victim part- I figured only 4 people would actually understand this absurdity of me playing victim, which is totally untrue. But, thanks!! Next goes to Matty. I don't really have anything new to tell you because I was just staring at your's (and Eric's) face for 1:16 min via skype..but I didn't want to ignore you like you did to me in the elevator. But, I commend you on your effort for trying to come up with a name "the life and times of an abnormal/paranormal child." Sadly this has little to do with Geneva and nothing to do with me, so you lose. But, you have bbm access so in the grand scheme of things you win since we can easily talk to each other.
  • Lastly (for this post at least) I choose Liz Vargasss. Again, I don't really know why you, but we talked before so I guess that works. I forgot to ask you how your peanut butter captain crunch with milk was the other night. So let me know, please? You were having such an ethical debate about it. But, I guess I can also give you a Switzerland related shout out because of this famous quote: Liz: Hey, did you know that Switzerland and Ireland are exact opposites? Me: Umm how is that? Liz: Switzerland is landlocked and Ireland is an island!" So just for that, I guess you rightfully earn a mention in my first post.
Anyways, its 1:52 and I'm trying to stay up late so I can fall asleep on the plane. Though this is probably the stupidest thing to do, because I just don't sleep on planes, hopefully some Nyquil or something will help with this endeavor. In 24 hours I will actually already be in Geneva- which is so exciting, yet so nerve-racking. But, I have been waiting to do this since Jr year of high school- so IT'S FINALLY HERE!

So, to everyone back at GW/in the US- I'll miss you all! I'll try to keep you all updated somehow!
And to everyone already in Europe- see you there :)

For now, I have to finish packing my life into ONE suitcase (impossible? hopefully not) and then cram everything else into my backpack/carry on duffle...

talk to you all from Geneva!


  1. !!!! you should hopefully be landing within the hour, if everything was on time. can't wait to get that bbm........from matthew.
